Psycho-Pass is a Japanese cyberpunk anime series directed by Katsuyuki Motohiro and Naoyoshi Shiotani, with Gen Urobuchi as the writer. It draws inspiration from live-action genre films. Set in a futuristic Japan, the series focuses on assessing people’s minds using brain scans. It includes well-known artists in key roles. A new movie, Psycho-Pass: First Inspector, is set to be released soon.
Psycho-Pass: First Inspector is in continuation with the eight episode season of the Psycho-Pass 3 series, which comes under the anime genre. The film entitled Psycho-Pass 3: First Inspector is all set to hit the theatres in Japan in spring 2022, and the exclusive streaming partner will be Amazon Prime. This film, which is being produced by Production I.G., is not only limited to Japan but will also be released outside Japan exclusively on Amazon Prime in 2022, the only digital streaming partner for the Psycho-Pass series.
Psycho-Pass: First Inspector has been made with a motive to conclude the story of the Psycho-Pass 3 series. The film will be a compiled version where the TV anime’s plot and battles will be given a conclusion. This film is a specially edited version of the compilation of the story and events which took place in the Psycho-Pass 3 series. A trailer of the duration of fifteen seconds has been released, and this much-awaited movie is all set for the release in Spring 2022.