When Did CBD Drinks Become Popular? 

Cannabis is firmly paving its way in the US market, as medical and recreational marijuana use is legalized nationwide. The isolation of cannabidiol (CBD) in lab conditions moved the legal change about weed even further, as CBD doesn’t possess the intoxicating effect of THC and still comes with tons of health value. 

As a result of legal changes, the American market has become flooded with numerous CBD products, including CBD drinks. So, are these CBD products fine for regular consumption? Are they safe? What about their efficiency for a number of health conditions? Stay tuned to find everything about how CBD drinks made it to the top of consumer preferences in the American market and how they can help you with anxiety, pain, insomnia, or stress. Read this article before googling “CBD drinks near me,” and you will be equipped with all objective data about this CBD product category. 

CBD Drinks: Market Overview 

CBD-infused non-alcoholic beverages emerged only a couple of years ago and quickly paved the way to users’ hearts. A significant rise in CBD drink consumption was observed in 2020 when millions of people got locked inside their homes during COVID-19 social isolation. Today, the market is also enjoying a steady rise, with a CAGR of 61%+ projected for 2021-2026. Due to such immense growth, the CBD beverage market size is expected to exceed $643 million by 2026 – a huge success story for a new, emerging market. 

Why Are CBD Drinks So Popular?  

There are tons of CBD drink brands out there, and it’s hard to say which are the best CBD drinks in the American market. However, the benefits that people see in this CBD product are clear. Here’s why so many people choose this option for fulfilling their CBD needs: 

  • They are convenient for consumption, storage, and transportation. Storing and consuming CBD oil, softgels, or caps can be demanding, as you need to keep your CBD remedy in the appropriate temperature and conditions. Otherwise, CBD oil can get spoiled and lose its therapeutic effects or acquire an unpleasant, bitter taste. CBD drinks are a much more convenient option, as a can or bottle is usually vacuum-packed and preserves its therapeutic value months after production. Besides, many brands infuse their drinks with extra vitamins and nutrients, giving you a healthy hit in one bottle. Thus, you can easily buy a small can of a CBD drink, consume it, and dispose of the package without the need to carry it with you or store it in the appropriate conditions. 
  • They are discrete and do not attract excessive attention. A person drinking a beverage doesn’t cause unwanted attention, be it in the street or any public place. Thus, you can make your CBD intake routines more discrete and still have the CBD fix when you need it the most. This form of consumption is fundamentally different from taking pills or CBD oil from a dropper, which unavoidably attracts the surrounding people’s attention and raises questions about your health problems. 
  • They make your acquaintance with CBD easier. Picking your ideal CBD dose and flavor results from many experiments, which may get too costly if you don’t find the right fit at once. Trying various CBD doses and flavors is much easier with CBD drinks, as you won’t pay much for a can of a beverage and can try several brands and concentrations on a small budget. What’s more, the CBD drinks’ impact is gentler on the user’s stomach, which may make your acquaintance with CBD much more pleasant than using CBD oil or edibles. 
  • They indeed provide efficient pain, stress, and anxiety relief. You shouldn’t take CBD drinks light-heartedly, as they can indeed produce tangible effects on your health by reducing stress and anxiety, managing your pain, and causing far-reaching anti-inflammatory effects. In terms of therapeutic value, they are equally efficient with CBD gummies, oils, and tinctures, so it’s not just a regular Coca-Cola or Fanta in your hand. 
  • You can try different tastes and find your favorite. Users are spoilt for choice when it comes to picking their ideal CBD drink. You can try several versions and pick your favorite based on your everyday diet and regimen. For instance, some people love to consume CBD-infused water, while others fall for CBD ice tea with various natural flavors. The sky is the limit when you pick the CBD beverage; it can be literally anything, even CBD coffee, and you can find the brand, concentration, and flavor you will enjoy the most. 

How Do CBD-Infused Drinks Work? 

Now, let’s say a couple of words about the CBD drinks’ effects you’re sure to enjoy if you consider CBD for treating some health problems. CBD is a component of hemp that produces anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antidepressant effects on the users. These properties make CBD a potent remedy for various medical conditions equal in the strength of the effect to Aspirin or Tylenol. The only difference is that CBD is not addictive, does not contain chemicals, and produces a gentler effect on the stomach than pharmaceuticals do. 

What Health Issues Can a CBD Drink Solve? 

CBD is very popular among people with chronic pain or anxiety. It is an herbal alternative to addictive and costly painkillers and antidepressants, so people have started experimenting with CBD as a viable option for pain management and body and mind balance. According to the study by DrinkLabs, over 50 million adults deal with chronic pain daily, and over 62% of CBD users occasionally use CBD drinks to address anxiety, depression, and pain. 

So, what health value can a regular CBD drink deliver to you? What medical conditions can it treat, and for what health issues should you consider CBD drinks as a remedy? 

  • Joint pain. Problems with joints affect large populations today. Some people suffer from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as they grow old and lose essential bone and tissue qualities. Others suffer from strains and sprains due to intense workouts and physical traumas. Thus, joint issues are increasingly prevalent among various age and population groups and require gentle yet effective treatment. CBD drinks have become a natural remedy that can directly target inflammation and help manage pain as long as you need it. 
  • Cancer-related conditions. A note of caution: there is no scientific evidence of the power of CBD to treat cancer. These miraculous effects come from some anecdotal accounts and have no clinical grounding. Yet, CBD is indeed a popular therapeutic choice among cancer patients, as it can reduce cancer-related tissue inflammation, soothes pain, and slows down tumor growth. Besides, CBD is known for appetite regulation and nausea treatment, which is essential for people on chemo. So, CBD offers tangible support for people going through cancer treatment. 
  • Digestion issues. The present-day statistics say that over 70 million Americans suffer from various digestion diseases. Therefore, CBD comes in handy as a natural remedy for many problems of this kind, including ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s disease. So, by using CBD drinks regularly, you can manage these diseases’ symptoms, reduce pain and discomfort, and improve digestion quality. 

DIY CBD Drinks for Home Preparation: Tips and Tricks 

Some health-conscious users have gone further to develop DIY CBD drink recipes for cooking at home. Now, it’s time to cover some practical tips for crafting a CBD drink for yourself if you don’t trust commercial brands and want to treat yourself to a homemade healthy drink. Expert tips include: 

  • Adding CBD to a drink in the morning or during the daytime to get an energy boost and feel balanced throughout the day. 
  • Those who want to add THC to their hemp-infused drinks should consider this addition in the evening or at nighttime, as THC delivers body relaxation and stress relief. It’s much better to fall asleep with the combined CBD and THC effect in one healthy beverage. 
  • Don’t forget about the ‘first pass effect’ – it means that the amount of CBD that will actually get into your bloodstream is way lower than the amount of CBD you’re consuming. Take into account how much CBD will be lost in the process of digestion in the gut and liver. Thus, plan for the dose that will satisfy your health needs by counting on 30-80% bioavailability of your consumed CBD amount. 
  • It’s also vital to consider the timing of the CBD effect. Just like any other CBD edible, a CBD drink won’t produce an intended effect right away. You will need to wait for some time – as a rule, it will be 20 to 45 minutes, to start feeling the CBD influence. However, the effect of CBD edibles lasts longer. 

Those who want to do everything on their own at home should do preliminary research about CBD-rich hemp strains and terpenes contained in every weed type. Terpenes also play a vital role in the effects you will experience after the CBD drink’s consumption. Otherwise, we recommend using pre-made CBD oils and tinctures that can be conveniently added to any drink; this way, you get the guaranteed chemical composition and dosage without experimentation.